Districtwide Budget Committee

About the Comittee

In the summer of 2015, the KCCD Chancellor asked the District Consultation Council to assemble a workgroup to conduct a third evaluation of the District-wide Unrestricted Fund Budget Allocation Model (BAM). The District Budget Committee was established in fall 2017 per the BAM Evaluation III Committee’s (“BEC”) recommendation. Responsibilities include the review of District-wide processes related to budget development to make recommendations to impact long term operations or allocations. The Committee's charge is to:

• Review annual District-wide budget development premises

• Review long-term trends in District-wide fiscal health

The review of the annual District-wide budget development premises necessitated a detail analysis of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office funding CCCCO (Schedule C Allocation to audited financials), KCCD District carryover, and annual allocations. To discuss the trends impacting the long-term District-wide fiscal health, the subcommittee focused on maintaining KCCD’s fiscal stability while ensuring adequate college funding levels. Simply put, the discussion evaluated the process of aligning financial capacity with long-term service objectives. The evaluation process included reviewing all the California community colleges ending fund balance for the last three years for benchmarking purposes. KCCD is consistently ranked as having one of the top five highest ending unrestricted fund balance.


District Office



Chief Financial Officer Mike Giacomini
Business Services Assistant Alexandria Kemp
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Abe Ali

Bakersfield College

Role Name
Vice President, Financial and Administrative Services Calvin Yu
President, BC Academic Senate Erica Menchaca
Political Science Professor Steven Holmes
Vice President, Instruction Billie Joe Rice
Executive Secretary, College Safety Christopher Glaser

Porterville College

Role Name
Vice President, Financial and Administrative Services Maria Battitsti
Vice President, Student Affairs Primavera Arvizu
Vice President, Instruction Thad Russell
Administrative Assistant, Information Center Jodie Logan
Faculty Theodore Lyons
Natural Science Division Professor Joel Wiens

Cerro Coso Community College

Role Name
Vice President, Financial and Administrative Services Chad Houck
English and Foreign Languages Professor Mathew Crow
Vice President, Student Services Heather Ostash
Vice President, Instruction Corey Marvin
East Kern Department Assistant II Kristie Nichols
Chemistry Professor Alex Gilewski